Scent & Discovery

The best day out your dog has ever had

Top trainer Stevie Moss of A Dog's Best Friend  hosts three dedicated zones full of enrichment and stimulating activities for your dog to enjoy. Free access to ticket holders.

Discover the Zones

Each Zone encourages your dog to interact and play through their natural instincts. Stevie will be on hand to guide you through each activity and understand your dogs choices and thought processes. 

Discover all the benefits of adding such games into your dog's day-to-day routines.

Play Zone

Splash in the paddling pool, dig in the sand pit and  run through the tunnel.

Sniff and think Zone

Discover snuffle mats with hidden treats and scent puzzles to get them really thinking.

Choice Zone

Enjoy the pleasure of licki mats, delicious chews and  toys to play with

Splash And Dash Zone

Sue Lloyd of Snazzy Swimmers and the canine hydrotherapy pool in Medstead will be up to her waist in pond water, to let your dog have the swim of his or her life!

Our lake is out of bounds to other dogs but book in with Sue and she will put a safety jacket on your dog and let them discover all the benefits of swimming.

To book email the team

Especially helpful for young dogs who have never had the chance to try water before.